Voting opens for best places in transportation for women to work

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Women In Trucking

The search is on to find the best transportation companies for woman to work.

Women In Trucking has opened voting for the 2024 edition of the annual recognition. 

Voting for the companies is based on:

  •  Corporate culture that’s supportive of gender diversity
  •  Flexibility in hours and work requirements
  •  Competitive compensation
  •  Quality benefits (i.e., paid maternity leave)
  •  Training, continued education and development
  •  Career advancement opportunities
  •  Well-maintained/safe equipment and  facilities for drivers
  •  Other factors

Companies for online voting can be found here.

Voting closes Friday, June 28.

Those casting votes may select a maximum of 10 companies they believe are worthy of recognition. Only one vote per device is allowed to help ensure voting integrity. 

The companies that amass an adequate volume of votes from the industry will then be named to the o2024 Top Companies for Women to Work in Transportation list.

The 30 companies receiving the highest number of votes will be acknowledged as â€śThe Elite 30" and will be recognized at the WIT's 2024 Accelerate! Conference & Expo during a special program Nov. 11.